Fresh off the boat from my 6th trip to the Amazon with Nomadic Waters. This was my third time visiting the Rio Negro with Nomadic Waters. It was a awesome trip, best so far, my 10 guest landed 1809 fish in 6 days! I lost count of the quality fish we caught over 10 pounds this trip. One of my guest landed a 10 kilo (22 pounds) on the fly! I was also fortunate to land my largest to date at 18 pounds. Out of the 10 anglers 6 of them this was there first experience fly fishing for peacock bass. Everyone landed a double digit fish this trip. Weather was great not terribly hot, a lot like July in Virginia. Had few rain storms but they were short lived. Other species included aripiama, wolf fish, oscar, and ariwana. While I was there I decided to book two more trips. One is on a new location to me and the other is back to the famous Rio Negro.
I will be experiencing the Rio da Lua for the first time September 27-October 6, 2024. This is a double occupancy trip and I can take 7 anglers. Check out for more info on this unique fishery.
What makes the Rio da Lua unique?
I'm headed back to the Rio Negro February 1-10, 2025. This a mothership and is single occupancy on the mothership. I can take up to 10 anglers. This will be my fourth time on that fishery. Check out
If you have any interest in going on one of these amazing trips please don't hesitate to contact me and I can give you ins and outs of the trip!